Thursday, February 11, 2010

Better Television for Mobile Homes

Sometimes Radio Is Just Not Enough

If you live in a mobile home, it means you move around the country a lot. This is an awesome way of living – full of new impressions and even adventures. But what do you do when you settle for the night, or find a place for several months? You don’t just always listen to radio or read books. You need a nice, affordable and convenient television set.

One of the latest products in this industry area made some kind of “boom” among many people, who move around the country a lot. Portable 12 volt TV sets are excellent for travelling. It doesn’t matter if you drive a mobile home, semi-truck, or an RV, you need to relax, since the road takes too much power sometimes. In such moments a book or radio is not enough to make the tension go away. In moments like this you simply have to sit down and watch a show or a movie. What can be better than sitting on a sofa, eating pop corn and watching of the popular television shows? It’s truly relaxing and will make the tension go away.

As a matter of fact, usually a 12 volt TV comes with all the necessary inputs and outputs to connect it to your integrated sound system, so you can actually make your mobile home play the sounds from the television. These sets are simple to mount on walls, so you should only choose a better position and a wall mount for it. It will stay nice and steady at your wall.

By the way, these 12 volt TVs are flat paneled. It means that they will take much less place, than a usual CRT television. In fact, if you have one of the old fashioned devices, you should simply replace it with one of those AC DC television sets. If you’re not sure, where you can get one of them, just start off with It will be a very good start for you.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Installing a 12 Volt Video System

Mobile Video System

Have you ever thought about installing a mobile video system in your car, semi-truck, RV, or motor home? You probably should, because you’ll have a lot more fun driving or even just spending time in your vehicle.

For some, installing a mobile video system is easy. But some people will have to hire a specialist to complete the job, and there’s nothing to be ashamed of. If you want the job to be the easiest, a 12 volt TV with an embedded DVD player, like a 12 volt TV DVD Naxa, is the best choice. If you want a complete vehicle system, then the first step should be installing a DVD capable auto stereo.

Not every DVD car stereo’s got a video display screen. Then, how do you watch something? Using a video cable (yellow one) we could connect any quantity of display screens from the stereo’s video output. Many people love this option better than a stand-alone DVD player video system. Actually, installation alternatives are endless and the sound might be played via car’s speaker system.

These screens my come built-into backrests, overhead flip downs, sun visors and as simply 12 volt TV DVD Naxa panels – you my search for some great products at You can install these panels anywhere you want. If you’ve got a car equipped with a DVD system, they simply come built-in into sun visors, backrests, and overhead flips. This means that with an auto stereo, which has auxiliary or audio inputs, the image might be played on the stand-alone DVD player and the sound might still be played through the cars stereo.

When you install it in an RV or motor home, you would need to employ a multi-mount stand-alone 12v DVD-player. Audio and video might be split and sent to as many devices as you want. Usually, you should feed the video system from the player into several LCD TVs and let the sound into the car’s stereo. This way you’ll have video and audio everywhere.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Why a Mount Is Better Than a Cabinet?

Don’t You Want to Free Some Room?

If you have your flat panel television staying on a cabinet, you probably have problems with free room. But, if this cabinet fits into your interior, you probably wouldn’t want to get rid of it. However, there is a much better solution for you plasma placement. Haven’t you ever heard of LCD TV mounts?

The industry has made a big step over the last few years and manufacturers are now producing mounts for television sets. There are tons of various forms and models. There are those that are retractable, those that are installed onto walls, and even onto ceilings. Do you get what the talk is about? You can save plenty of room, if you get yourself an LCD TV mount. This is a truly awesome opportunity to make your television watching time even more fun and comfortable, and free your room of certain unnecessary furniture. These cabinets take so much room that when you remove them, it seems like you’ve got a dance floor at your house. This would be a truly wise decision. You can go to the consumer electronic store right away and get yourself one of these. But! There’s another opportunity, which will blow your socks off!

If you’ve ever purchased anything online, you must have noticed that online stores’ prices are mostly much lower, than at regular stores. This is the greatest deal for you – a deal form an online store, like Usually, such stores are dealing directly with manufacturers and this is the reason for such affordable prices that they offer. So, now you know where you can get yourself an LCD wall mount at affordable price and of decent quality. Take your chance and don’t think you’ll find anything like these deals at regular stores. You will just waste your time.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Something about RV Entertainment

Watching a TV in an RV

How do you like to spend time in an RV, while driving to a camping base, or simply driving around the country? Probably the best way to while away your time in such a ride is having a 12 volt TV in RV with you.

Books are fine, same as radio, MP3 players, etc. But when you’re having a long trip, these things will really become very annoying. By the end of your trip you will simply be sitting and twiddling your thumbs. Whether you’re on trip with your family, or friends, you will be willing to spend some time on your own, and just doing nothing is not fine, and you know it. Then you have a 12 volt TV in your RV, your time will get shorter and shorter, especially if you’ll have an integrated DVD player in it.

If you start thinking about buying yourself one, you can start searching online, since Internet stores have way more better deals, than those offered at regular stores. In fact, you can start off with, since this store has many various models and really affordable prices. If you don’t want to die of boredom in your recreational vehicle, consider getting yourself a 12 volt TV.